Sunday, November 22, 2009

Frog Dreaming

Summer hail storm in Lower King

Bolu Kukus

Bolu Kukus
I have wanted to make these since I went to first went to Indonesia many years ago, they are light and fluffy and not overly sweet.
I think I may really have to buy some of the special steamer cups as you can see mine didnt actually work - They didnt split ! and they were not light - a bit more like dense steamed puddings oops - better try again ! Oh well another trip to Jakarta to buy the correct cake tins !

They started off alright !

But something didn't work like it should have - no split !

Here is the recipe if you are game to try it !

Bolu kukus
yields 5

1 egg
90 gr caster sugar
90 gr plain flour
50 ml lemon-flavoured soft drink (I'll used lemonade)
1-2 tsp cocoa powder

1. Prepare steamer. Line roti kukus moulds with parchment paper.
2. Beat egg and caster sugar until thick and pale.
3. Fold in 1/3 of the flour, then 1/2 of the sprite. Gently mix. Repeat with remaining flour and sprite, ending with flour. Mix thoroughly until batter is free from lumps.
4. Divide 1/3 of the batter into a small bowl and add cocoa powder. Whisk until thoroughly combined.
5. Spoon white batter into moulds. Swirl a little of the chocolate batter. Steam for 20 minutes on high heat.

Perhaps I will just buy the packet version !