Sunday, November 22, 2009

Frog Dreaming

Summer hail storm in Lower King

Bolu Kukus

Bolu Kukus
I have wanted to make these since I went to first went to Indonesia many years ago, they are light and fluffy and not overly sweet.
I think I may really have to buy some of the special steamer cups as you can see mine didnt actually work - They didnt split ! and they were not light - a bit more like dense steamed puddings oops - better try again ! Oh well another trip to Jakarta to buy the correct cake tins !

They started off alright !

But something didn't work like it should have - no split !

Here is the recipe if you are game to try it !

Bolu kukus
yields 5

1 egg
90 gr caster sugar
90 gr plain flour
50 ml lemon-flavoured soft drink (I'll used lemonade)
1-2 tsp cocoa powder

1. Prepare steamer. Line roti kukus moulds with parchment paper.
2. Beat egg and caster sugar until thick and pale.
3. Fold in 1/3 of the flour, then 1/2 of the sprite. Gently mix. Repeat with remaining flour and sprite, ending with flour. Mix thoroughly until batter is free from lumps.
4. Divide 1/3 of the batter into a small bowl and add cocoa powder. Whisk until thoroughly combined.
5. Spoon white batter into moulds. Swirl a little of the chocolate batter. Steam for 20 minutes on high heat.

Perhaps I will just buy the packet version !

Sunday, September 20, 2009


500grams -1kilo minced steak
1 onion
2.5cm fresh ginger
1 teaspoon of garam masala
4 -5cloves of garlic
1/4 capsicum or 2 fresh chillies - ( Phillip this means 2!!!)
1 teaspoon salt

ghee or oil for frying
2 onions
2-3 cloves of garlic
1.5cm fresh ginger
2-3 fresh tomatoes - the nice deep red kind
1 1/2 cups of water with 2 beef stock cubes added
1/4 teaspoon of chilli powder ( optional)
1tablespoon of coriander (ground)
1/2-3/4 cup of plain yogurt ( full fat is best)
1 teaspoon of garam masala

  • Finely dice the onion , chilli , capsicum, ginger and garlic.
  • Next place in a bowl with mince,salt and garam masala.
  • Make small meat balls and gently fry until just brown drain ,
  • Now remove to a plate and place in fridge while you make the curry sauce.(use the same pan )
  • Finely dice the onions crush the garlic, grate the ginger and chop the tomatoes into small cubes.
  • In the same pan you cooked the koftas in fry onions garlic ginger until they are transparent ( just a few mins - don't burn them or the sauce will be bitter !
  • Next add the tomatoes, coriander chilli and beef stock.
  • Cover and simmer at least 30 min - you may have to adjust the liquid - the aim is the let the tomatoes cook down completely.
  • Now return the Koftas to the pan to finish cooking- simmer for about 30 mins
  • Finally, stir in the yogurt and the garam masala add salt to taste. Be careful not to add too much garam masala as it tends to have a bitter taste. Also don't boil at this stage or the yogurt will curdle.
Serve with rice and garnished with fresh chopped coriander or mint.

OK just so you all know this is the basic recipe - I cant be held responsible for any minor adjustments that I made along the way, over the years( and that I have now surely forgotten !! )- Just one thing -make sure all you spices are fresh - stale or old grinds can really make it bitter , and no you cannot use red onions just because they are in the cupboard !, bottled garlic is ok but only use a very small amount ! - and cream ,sour cream, or vanilla yogurt will not work !!!

Remember my children cooking is like a dance, learn to master the steps and soon they will become part of you natural rhythm.

The pleasure for me has never been the eating of this dish but rather shared joy it brought to all of you. The gift of giving far out ways the gift of receiving.

Thursday, July 2, 2009